How come then, is it, that when we are born, no-one shoves a user manual into our little hands as we pop out into the world?
Well, (Unfortunately for most of us, (I say looking lovingly, at a photo of my parents), that that job is left to our parents and those around us. It's not their fault, (nor yours), no-matter how good a job they did bringing you up. You most certainly will always want more out of life and want to aspire to higher things.
However, for most of us, those aspirations and dreams might not ever come true! We humans all have similar problems to overcome, so why is it, that some manage to achieve everything their hearts desire, whilst many countless millions fail or live a life of mediocrity?
You and I have this really fabulous computer called a brain. Scientists have said that if all of the computers in the world today were linked together, that they would not even come close to having the powers of our imaginations, conscience and reasoning abilities.
Whats the answer?
The way we program our minds is by our self talk! Our little voice inside us is chattering away at us all our waking hours! Is it any wonder that we can't think straight at times?
What we need to do is get control of that little voice and tell it what to say to us. The first thing you should realize, (as any good musician knows), is that 'repetition is the mother of skill'.
And there lies the problem, that little voice is chattering away all day, every-day, 365 days a year and every year of your life! And, just like an unattended garden, weeds, moss and grass grows out of control to choke all those beautiful flowers.
Your thoughts can become choked up with doubts about yourself and your abilities, even when you think you are trying to be constructive in your thoughts by trying to figure out what went wrong the last time you tried to do x, y or z successfully.
With all good intentions, you can end-up worrying about the last failure and trying to avoid a repeat of it, that that in its-self destroys your positive thought and concentration that you really need to complete the task successfully.
Then to top all of that off, the more times that you fail, seems to secure that feeling that you are not good at doing whatever it is, which knocks your confidence even more! It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, spiraling out of control...
So, how do we fix this? How do we tell this little voice what to say? It is easier than you think, but, doing it can be harder than you might first imagine. The simplicity of it is this:-
You take some time each day, (the more frequently the better), and read or listen to a script that you must write out for yourself, (if you want to really personalize this). To get you started though, it is best to take a leaf out of other peoples books, err... The ones who are successful that is!
I have a script here for you. It is not my script, but I use it every day and several times a day, woven into some of my own scripts.
Remember and apply this first. (Say it three times).
- Repetition is the Mother of Skill.
- Repetition is the Mother of Skill.
That first thing, "Repetition is the Mother of Skill", will remind you that "Repetition is the Mother of Skill", and you must re-apply this next part over and over again on a daily basis, because, "Repetition is the Mother of Skill".
This is my mental software. Use it yourself and see what happens!
This is my bank of positive affirmations for now and future use.
HOW- Sit quiet (and alone if possible) and close your eyes!
Inhale and think your affirmations silently to yourself.
Then: as you Exhale, say it out loud, (This helps rewire the tracks of your brain).
This is an old, time-proved and honored method taken from mantras and meditations and combinations of methods taken from ancient scripts throughout the centuries to the present day.
Before you can use them, (don't print them out), hand write them out into a pocketbook that you can keep with you. (or even retype them into your laptop). Then, record yourself saying them, one at a time, one line to one track, into your MP3 player or Dictaphone so that you can play them back to yourself, one at a time.
I use my car CD player, whilst sat alone on my drive, or find a park or sea-side location to park-up and listen and concentrate. - but don't do this whilst driving, it won't work that way because your concentration is divided! (And it could be dangerous)!
I am influenced only by positive thoughts and positive people.
New opportunities always stimulate my strengths and confidence.
All childhood, teenage, adolescent, and previous wounds are healed!
I am continually discovering new strengths inside myself.
I radiate confidence and joy.
I am now allowing greater financial success into my life.
I am attracting financial opportunities easily and effortlessly.
I am worthy and deserving of financial success.
My self-talk reinforces my prosperity consciousness.
I am financially independent and secure.
My unlimited thinking is opening new doors to abundance and prosperity.
My greatest joy is living up to my own full potential.
I choose to be happy, healthy and successful.
I renew myself daily with the joy of life.
Each challenge I face, stimulates my strengths and confidence.
Setting goals and achieving them is becoming a way of life for me.
I successfully finish all projects that I begin.
I am increasingly calm, confident and relaxed.
I am developing inner peace and balance in my life.
I 'Do'; Or 'DO NOT' there is no try!
I am an action man /(woman or person).
I excel under pressure.
I have released all fears and concerns about things I cannot change.
Any tension I experience, mobilizes my strengths and ability to cope.
I am at peace in my body, my mind and my emotions.
There is time and space for everything I need to do.
I am very clear about what I want in life.
I am living my life by choice and creating my future.
My life is becoming a series of positive achievements.
My self-discipline and focus are becoming stronger each day.
I have moved beyond all limitations and am easily achieving my goals.
Each goal I achieve, stimulates my optimism and confidence.
How to program your mind.
© AndyGold 2011
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