Monday, April 19, 2010

SelfTalk4U - The Daily Continuum (19)

Debts and Lack of Money.
You can do little about debts you owe, except plan your finances carefully and don't spend what you cannot afford. If you have serious, stressful and potentially health threatening debts, then you need to seek proper legal and professional advice to set-up repayment schemes and affordable budgets agreed upon by yourself and your creditors. This is your first steps to getting on track.

Get it fixed firmly in your mind, the DEFINITE CONVICTION that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING if you so desire it greatly enough!

There is no-such-thing as lack-of-opportunity!

You, (just like everyone-else - ESPECIALLY if you truly believe that YOU ARE nothing SPECIAL), are subject to the law of boundless AND perpetual opportunity and YOU CAN choose to ignore it or ENFORCE IT on your own behalf when-ever you choose!

SelfTalk4U - The Daily Continuum (19)

Everyone IS special.

of the main SLEFTALK4U BLOG page.

TAGS: The Law of Attraction, SelfTalk4U, The Daily Continuum, Self Talk,

Sunday, April 18, 2010

SelfTalk4U - The Daily Continuum (18)

News and Media.
Stop listening to the news media, (unless it is a foundation of your income, or required part of your everyday job). Get just a brief catch-up of the main stories of the week, from your main national news service. This should do to keep you up with current affairs.
Focus on the good things in your life, focus on your goals of wealth and prosperity, great health, fitness and longevity!

The Law of Attraction. is at work!

The world is like a looking-glass, giving back to the viewer, the reflection of their own thoughts by way of current circumstance!

SelfTalk4U - The Daily Continuum (18)


of the main SLEFTALK4U BLOG page.

TAGS: The Law of Attraction, SelfTalk4U, The Daily Continuum, Self Talk,

Saturday, April 17, 2010

SelfTalk4U - The Daily Continuum (17)

Rule: Guide or Law; Call It What You Will.
The Daily Continuum

The Law of Attraction
If you focus on thoughts of your debts, listen to recession news stories 24/7 and worry and woe over everything; be constantly complaining about everyone and everything about you; that you have little money, bad health, or poor relationships, then.. The Law of Attraction will respond by giving you more of what you are focusing on.

News and Media.
Stop listening to the news media, (unless it is a foundation of your income, or required part of your everyday job). Get just a brief catch-up of the main stories of the week from your main national news service. This should do to keep you up with current affairs.

Debts and Lack of Money.
You can do little about debts you owe, except plan your finances carefully and don't spend what you cannot afford. If you have serious, stressful and potentially health threatening debts, then you need to seek proper legal and professional advice to set-up repayment schemes and affordable budgets agreed upon by yourself and your creditors. This is your first steps to getting on track.

JOB - Nose to the Grindstone
You may not have the job of your dreams or the promotion you deserve. You may have to work two or more jobs and long hours. You have to decide and stay focused on your ideal, your dream. For the time being, 'keep your nose to the grindstone' and focus on a way out of your current state of affairs. There is always a way and you will see it when you start to fixate and concentrate upon moving forward in your life.

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates!
No-one said; and no-where is it written that 'life is fair', the scales of justice don't balance just because you know you are right and did the right thing. Some people have to work harder and longer at whatever their current chosen path is.

Realise when you lack and laze, that you will pay for all your days!
You have got to realise that where-ever you are now, 'IS' a direct result of your own actions - OR LACK OF THEM! Life will still throw a curve-ball occasionally (or more than occasionally, because 'life isn't fair'. This may happen at the best of times, just as everything seems to be going your way, or it may happen during the worst of times when you can least deal resist it.

The effect it has upon you, or that YOU LET IT HAVE upon you, is the key! How you 'DEAL' with it! YOUR REACTION.. Like a hand in a card game, you have to take a chance and risk a stake to be 'in the game'.

Without making a stake, staking your claim or being in the game, YOU CANNOT WIN IF YOUR NOT IN IT, because YOU'VE GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT.

This could be having to work a certain job for a certain length of time. Something as simple as buying a lottery ticket. Learning new things to develop income and ideas for making money. It could be starting an online business. Buying information on 'How To' do a new business opportunity. Whatever the cost be, that is just the start, for it is WHAT YOU PUT IN, that will make or break a job or project.

Along with all that just mentioned above is a 'Self Fulfilling Prophecy'.
For the one who states, he knows for sure, that he will never win the lottery; and therefore refuses to buy a ticket.

For the one who knows for sure that no-one cares if he does a good job or not; and therefore refuses to do anymore than the basics he can get by doing and refuses to go that extra mile.

For the one who knows for sure, that whatever he tries in business for himself will be met with legal hassles and heavy taxes, no help from others, yet longer and harder working hours; and therefore will not start their own business.

For the able bodied one who sits watching TV in all their none-working hours, uses the car for short trips that could be walked and uses the elevators and escalators when stairs are available; yet will complain at the lack of health-care available to them and complain of their own constant ailments and illnesses.

I repeat. Realise when you lack and laze, that you will pay for all your days!
Use your time wisely, because 'TIME' is your only 'LIMITED RESOURCE' and you will run out of it sooner than you think! Make a plan to move toward set goals, so that you can earn the rewards you want in your life!

SelfTalk4U - The Daily Continuum (17)

of the main SLEFTALK4U BLOG page.

TAGS: The Law of Attraction

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Generating Motivation, realising the possibilities and expanding your horizons.

Generating Motivation.
SelfTalk4U is about generating motivation within you, everyone has the same qualities inside because we are all part of the same universe!
We all have a Richard Branson and a Bill Gates inside us, the main problem is, we don't realise it!

Sure, whether we reach the fabulous wealth enjoyed by few is not going to be achieved by everyone, but you must agree everything and anything is possible. I know most people wouldn't believe this, but you are different, for one, you are reading this. That alone sets you apart from the crowd!

A Self Fulfilling Prophecy.
Those people who don't believe that everything and anything is possible are usually the type that know in their own minds and heart that they will never win the lottery. Therefore, they refuse to buy a ticket for that reason, and belief in their own mind; a strange and mysterious thing happens.

They NEVER win the lottery! - It is some little silly notion - called 'A Self Fulfilling Prophecy' Duh!
You've got to be in-it, to-win-it, as the saying goes!

Anything and everything is possible, but if you don't allow certain things to take place, if you don't start to actively seek out and work toward a goal, then you certainly won't achieve it. (Except perhaps by accident or fate,- after-all anything and everything "is" possible)!

Research the Possibilities.
If you go look - leave this site page open -and in another tab or window, search for 'tramp finds lottery ticket'. - I don't want to give you specific links from this blog, because I cannot say whether those links are still going to be valid in a month or two, and I want this post to remain for a while. Another reason is that I don't want to be seen to be promoting any lottery sites - because I'm not. (I do buy national lottery tickets though, in several different countries - I'm not a hypocrite).

There were several stories that took my interest when researching for this post, one about a homeless tramp who found thousands of dollars worth of lottery tickets, a woman who found a winning jackpot lottery ticket. Maybe you will inherit hundreds of thousands from a relative you didn't even know existed! Whatever you can think of, it could be, that could possibly happen, it may or may-not happen.

I can give you some links to support these stories above I've mentioned.
These are news sites I recommend. DON'T GO OFF YET though -wait till the end- STAY and read on!
The Telegraph- Woman-finds-winning-lottery-ticket-in-dead-husbands-things!
The Mail Online -

So why do I mention these stories?

I think, we can associate with these news stories, they are not unheard of, that's all I am pointing out. The unexpected and unbelievable, most unlikely things do happen. So why not actually try to make things happen? - That must improve the chances of it really happening!

Defeatist Mentality.
'This could never happen for me - I will never be - (whatever your wish) mentality'. I think many people who don't achieve all they want, apply this same thinking process and mentality to life, health, jobs, promotions at work, being self-employed, being an entrepreneur, being wealthy, having a successful business of ones own, or even going from rags to riches by any of the previously mentioned routes. (Or any other possible way).

So What If - UP!
So what if,- you decided to have a go at running your own online or offline business and it is a massive over-night / or over-year success!
What if,- You start that project you had an idea for, and make a mint doing it?
What if,- you buy a lottery ticket this week and it is the jackpot winner?

I know the statistics say that you are more likely to be struck by lightening, So (don't try this at home)! - What if you wanted to increase your chances of being struck be lightening? Lets think it through and do some research! To increase my chances of success, I found that...

Recent satellite data suggests that there are more than 3 million lightning flashes worldwide per day! Also, lightening strikes usually involved people on high-land or under or near tall metallic objects! Therefore, I presume, logically you would follow thunder storms around the world, and try to get directly under one with a long barge-pole-like copper rod, pointing it into the sky. (I'm no expert on this and don't want to be).

Are you cringing yet? - You should be, you've probably just increased your chances (of death), by ninety percent. However, I can only assume this, since I don't know of anyone foolish enough to attempt this experiment. Surely, it would be a one-way trip, and you may have difficulty writing a report about your findings, should you be successful. (The Lucky Winner).

Make a Move Toward Success!
So - What am I talking about? If you don't make any move toward success, don't be dismayed that success does not happen for you! You may very-well be happy - just as you are, with the job (or no-job) you have and the income you have. Materialistically- you may be happy with the car, the home, the clothes, the jewelry, the holidays, the lifestyle you have or whatever it may be. Well done - you truly have the success you want, no-need to read any further, for this will not be of any use or interest to you...

The Secret.
If however, you still have a few things you'd like to achieve in life, then you need to be aware and, be conscious of those things you want and know how to go about getting them. This is what this site is all about.

Somewhere on this site, you will find The Secret. It will bring you all of those things you want and more, so long as you want it! You must have a genuine desire to want more. If you can believe and understand that anything and everything is possible, then at least you have the belief part inside you already. I hope I've shown you here, that anything and everything is possible!

Final Word.
Everything you want and work toward is coming to you, you just don't know when. You need to get DIRECTION, so that you can aim toward your goals. You probably know that the first thing you should do, is to have written goals! If you don't know exactly WHAT you are aiming for, then how will you know if and when you see it, what it is and where to look. The Secret will show you how to recognise what you are really looking for in your life, your health, wealth and social well being!

For SelfTalk for you, this is AndyGold.

AndyGold © 2010 SelfTalk4U.

of the main SLEFTALK4U BLOG page.

TAGS: SelfTalk4U, Self Talk, Self Talk Statements, Motivation, Awareness, motivate, Success, self development, achievement, positive thinking, goal setting, take action,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Problem Solving - Sleep On It!

Take the time to solve your problems and plan for goal attainment, find the right answers to things preying on your conscious thought and free your worry and anxiety, by taking the problem or questions to bed with you!

Problem Solving Method.
Before laying down to sleep, think calmly about the issue or problem, filling your mind with every bit of information, pros and cons of the issue. Run it all through your mind, making it into a story-like telling of what would happen if... the best outcome for myself and everyone-else would be... Whatever..

NOTE: Practice, patience and persistence is required, I don't think anyone could just get this on the first time of doing it, so don't just give up! Try and try again!

It may even take several nights of contemplation to get the answer, or perhaps it is a problem that you cannot find the answer to on your own, in this case, perhaps you should run your problem past a friend or relative you respect, who knows you.

Later, even if they do not or cannot help, often the answer will present its-self to you, perhaps the next night after talking it over with a friend.

The answer may come to you when you least expect it, say; when at work or watching TV, exercising or playing sport.

The method; Whilst laying down, ready to sleep or rest for some time.
Let your mind dwell upon the issue, problem or goal to be attained;

If it is a problem or an issue, ask yourself.. What would be the best outcome (for everyone), of this, and what would be ten times better than that?

Try to do this 'conscious thought' without worry and fretting about the problem, as this would probably keep you awake!

If this is the case, let go of your thoughts after thinking about the problem for a few minutes. Think of pleasant times, things that make you happy, loved ones or a time when you were happy and joyful, holding that thought till you go off to sleep!

If it is a Goal; Ask yourself, 'what should I do to move toward this goal, a real action step that will physically be the next step towards my goal'? (and then then next step, and the next, and so on).

You should find yourself falling asleep in this train of thought. Don't worry about WRITING ANSWERS DOWN as they come to you, but DO SO, by all means if they do, if you think or know you are onto a positive and exciting idea!

I have often ended up writing for many hours into the night, when problem solving and brainstorming over goals and problem solving like this. It works!

Why this problem solving works!
Your conscious mind needs stimulation to think and to concentrate on a specific idea or train of thought. We humans do this in order to develop ideas! One thing leads to another, but; if you don't get the idea for the first thing, then the "leads-to-another" -part won't happen!

Take a Defensive Stance!
If someone is pressurising you for an answer, just say; "I need more time to think about it", then, if you know all the facts, politely refuse to talk about it furthermore with them. They will soon learn that you are not to be bullied into making a decision there and then!

If you don't know all that facts, run through it with them and then say, you need more time to think it over, especially if they resort to undermining your intelligence by saying things like; "Of course, your only logical decision is to...".

More on why it works!

When you sleep on it, you pass your problem, question or desire, (of goal attainment), over to your inner mind, or subconsciousness. This is 'The One Inside' you.

Your unconscious or subconscious mind is part of the universe and of the universal mind. If you have any trouble believing this, the universal mind can be thought of as God, or a greater power, whether alien or not.

Most people believe in something. Whatever it is that you believe in, then this is the power that will bring the answers to you, whatever your faith or belief.

For most people, NATURE, (mother nature), is a recognised greater power that cannot be doubted. The wind, rain, sunshine, gravity, plant life and all living things too wondrous and varied to even start to list exist and are thriving, (despite mans best attempts to damage, contaminate and kill off the planet). This is the power!

Whatever power or greater force you believe in, it is this force that will provide the answers for you.

This is AndyGold signing off. See you next time on SelfTalk4U.

of the main SLEFTALK4U BLOG page.

TAGS: problem solving, The One Inside, Universal Mind

The Secret.

Success doesn't just happen, even if you win the lottery, you still had to do something by way of buying a ticket. If you're not 'in the game' you don't even stand a single chance to win anything! You've got to be in-it-to-win-it!

The same mentality should be applied to all areas of your life! If you are not actively seeking a better income, better lifestyle, to learn and grow, then you will just stand still or even regress. Jobs become stale, trends change and life moves on.

You've got to be ready to change with life, progress to the next level and always keep moving forward.

What will YOU do? TAKE ACTION NOW, or wait till 'something comes your way'?
It is said, that - those who wait for their ship to come in are always missing the boat!

You can always find new things to inspire you if you just look around you, find the inspiration and set a goal and a reward. Then simple work toward it everyday!

of the main SLEFTALK4U BLOG page.

TAGS: Motivation, Motivation and Visualisation, Self Talk, Success

The Secret