Saturday, April 17, 2010

SelfTalk4U - The Daily Continuum (17)

Rule: Guide or Law; Call It What You Will.
The Daily Continuum

The Law of Attraction
If you focus on thoughts of your debts, listen to recession news stories 24/7 and worry and woe over everything; be constantly complaining about everyone and everything about you; that you have little money, bad health, or poor relationships, then.. The Law of Attraction will respond by giving you more of what you are focusing on.

News and Media.
Stop listening to the news media, (unless it is a foundation of your income, or required part of your everyday job). Get just a brief catch-up of the main stories of the week from your main national news service. This should do to keep you up with current affairs.

Debts and Lack of Money.
You can do little about debts you owe, except plan your finances carefully and don't spend what you cannot afford. If you have serious, stressful and potentially health threatening debts, then you need to seek proper legal and professional advice to set-up repayment schemes and affordable budgets agreed upon by yourself and your creditors. This is your first steps to getting on track.

JOB - Nose to the Grindstone
You may not have the job of your dreams or the promotion you deserve. You may have to work two or more jobs and long hours. You have to decide and stay focused on your ideal, your dream. For the time being, 'keep your nose to the grindstone' and focus on a way out of your current state of affairs. There is always a way and you will see it when you start to fixate and concentrate upon moving forward in your life.

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates!
No-one said; and no-where is it written that 'life is fair', the scales of justice don't balance just because you know you are right and did the right thing. Some people have to work harder and longer at whatever their current chosen path is.

Realise when you lack and laze, that you will pay for all your days!
You have got to realise that where-ever you are now, 'IS' a direct result of your own actions - OR LACK OF THEM! Life will still throw a curve-ball occasionally (or more than occasionally, because 'life isn't fair'. This may happen at the best of times, just as everything seems to be going your way, or it may happen during the worst of times when you can least deal resist it.

The effect it has upon you, or that YOU LET IT HAVE upon you, is the key! How you 'DEAL' with it! YOUR REACTION.. Like a hand in a card game, you have to take a chance and risk a stake to be 'in the game'.

Without making a stake, staking your claim or being in the game, YOU CANNOT WIN IF YOUR NOT IN IT, because YOU'VE GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT.

This could be having to work a certain job for a certain length of time. Something as simple as buying a lottery ticket. Learning new things to develop income and ideas for making money. It could be starting an online business. Buying information on 'How To' do a new business opportunity. Whatever the cost be, that is just the start, for it is WHAT YOU PUT IN, that will make or break a job or project.

Along with all that just mentioned above is a 'Self Fulfilling Prophecy'.
For the one who states, he knows for sure, that he will never win the lottery; and therefore refuses to buy a ticket.

For the one who knows for sure that no-one cares if he does a good job or not; and therefore refuses to do anymore than the basics he can get by doing and refuses to go that extra mile.

For the one who knows for sure, that whatever he tries in business for himself will be met with legal hassles and heavy taxes, no help from others, yet longer and harder working hours; and therefore will not start their own business.

For the able bodied one who sits watching TV in all their none-working hours, uses the car for short trips that could be walked and uses the elevators and escalators when stairs are available; yet will complain at the lack of health-care available to them and complain of their own constant ailments and illnesses.

I repeat. Realise when you lack and laze, that you will pay for all your days!
Use your time wisely, because 'TIME' is your only 'LIMITED RESOURCE' and you will run out of it sooner than you think! Make a plan to move toward set goals, so that you can earn the rewards you want in your life!

SelfTalk4U - The Daily Continuum (17)

of the main SLEFTALK4U BLOG page.

TAGS: The Law of Attraction

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